Psycho Busters
Psycho Busters

Psycho Busters

All Info
Supernatural, Action, Comedy, Romance, Shounen, Drama
  • Being without parents in the summer was perfect for Kakeru, until a naked girl appeared
  • She leads him to her hidden friends and begs for him to help them hide from the hunt of "Farmers"
  • They are psychics called, “Prodigies,” and Kakeru is dragged into their fight against the "Farmers"
After being left alone while his family goes on vacation, Kakeru takes advantage and lives a carefree summer. The only thing that could make it better is if something unexpected happened… Like a half-transparent naked girl entering his body!! The girl, Ayano, leads him to where her friends Shaoron and Jonoi are hiding, and she pleas for Kakeru to help one of them, Jonoi. But soon after, they’re discovered by people called the “Farmers”. It turns out Ayano and her friends are psychics known as “Prodigies,” and they need Kakeru to help them. But what can Kakeru do if he’s just an ordinary guy -- or is he?
Other Facts
Feb 20, 2006 to Sep 20, 2008
Magazine Special
Where to read
You can read the official version of this title legally here: